
Should You Pay Someone To Write Your CV?

Most people are going to opt to write their own resumes without even giving serious thought to hiring someone. That’s okay, as long as it works for them and gets them the results they want. Most people who do give it serious thought will still opt to write their own resumes. That’s okay too. If you desire to get a very good job you must take care of your resume.

Only a small number will hire a professional to write their resume for them. Some of those people will be very good. Some will have taken some kind of course. A few may even claim some kind of accreditation. Others just charitably call them not as good. In the worst cases, you could do a better job yourself even without guidance from me or anyone else. 


The best resume writers tend to specialize in one industry or a few related industries. Being a generalist isn’t an immediate indictment, but it is cause for you to look closely and be wary.

You already are a specialist in your field. You know the terminology and the culture within the industry. What you may not have is fresh ideas borrowed from outside your industry.


Any good resume writer will give you copies of your resume in multiple formats. It would help if you got printed copies, an editable electronic copy, and perhaps a copy for online and job search database use. They may even offer variations for related industries or different positions.

If you want multiple formats, you not only have to know how to make them yourself, but you have to put forth the effort of actually doing it.


If you need edits done, most professionals will offer free or discounted follow-up service.

You’ll have to make your own edits.


Many professionals will offer multiple versions of your resume, one or more cover letters, job search guidance, interview help, reference screening, and plenty of other valuable job-hunting services beyond merely writing your resume.

You’re on your own to-do everything. Even to figure out just what “everything” is.

Now that you’re armed with this information consider carefully whether you need the professional’ help or not. Let’s get to work on making your resume amazing!

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